When you’re gifted, you will always give more than you receive. It’s the recipe of life.
Selfishness ALWAYS ends in misery. Taking is not the game. Giving is. Give and you shall receive. It’s the way the world is suppose to be.
Our fulfillment comes from helping others. Anything else is an illusion and kudos to those for keeping the illusion going. Selfishness is fun but the heart HATES it. It just takes looking at the end of the game to see is that the legacy you want to look back at?
How can we induce as much wisdom as we possibly can into younger generations while still allowing them to have their needed journey of discovery?
Note: Being a person who lived in a very selfish world, I remember what images and posts like this felt like to the worst kinds of selfishness. Ready for this? They felt like tactics for others to receive more from me… Yeah!